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about me:
"i was born 3/25/1981. you do the math. i've been married since 2/2/02. i've been a military wife since 4/1/02. i've been a mommy to one boy since 8/19/2000. i was a teen mom. i'm a bitch. i like music & movies. i'm pro-choice..." wanna know more?>>>
Miranda is feeling Miranda feels at the moment.

last 5.
Sad News - January 01, 2004
PREGNANT!!! - September 01, 2003
Diary Neglect & Getting ready for the party - August 15, 2003
The Link and other tidbits of news. - August 08, 2003
Crashed computer and new website - August 07, 2003


URL or Email


people have been here.// online// All content � Miranda unless otherwise stated.

Sounds promising.

May 19, 2003 - 9:39 a.m.

Hmmm. About a week ago, I applied for a PT possibly FT position in an Optometrist's office. Well, I had almost given up because they told me last week when I applied that I'd probably get a call by the end of the week. Yesterday, Daniel asked me if they had ever called. I said no, that they must have liked someone else better, so I pretty much felt "out of the running". But the weirdest thing happened this morning. About 9 am, my phone rang. I had to run into the other room to get it. It only rang 2 times but by the time I got to it, the person had hung up. They didn't leave a voicemail. I looked at the caller ID and didn't recognize the name or number right off-hand. However, the more I thought about the name, it seemed to have some strange familiarity. I looked it up in the phone book and it was the name of the Optometrist whose office I applied at!!! I called them back about 10 minutes ago to try to find out what the fuck is going on. I told the chick that answered that I had applied and wanted to know the status of my application. Her response was a generic catch-all line "He (the optometrist) has been out of town and has just gotten the opportunity to look the applications over. You should receieve a call sometime this week if he'd like to meet with you." I guess I should have told her that I already got a call but just wanted to know what the fuck it was about. Anyway...hopefully it was the Optometrist himself attempting to call me but just got interrupted or something and had to hang up before I answered. With any luck...I'll get a call later.
