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about me:
"i was born 3/25/1981. you do the math. i've been married since 2/2/02. i've been a military wife since 4/1/02. i've been a mommy to one boy since 8/19/2000. i was a teen mom. i'm a bitch. i like music & movies. i'm pro-choice..." wanna know more?>>>
Miranda is feeling Miranda feels at the moment.

last 5.
Sad News - January 01, 2004
PREGNANT!!! - September 01, 2003
Diary Neglect & Getting ready for the party - August 15, 2003
The Link and other tidbits of news. - August 08, 2003
Crashed computer and new website - August 07, 2003


URL or Email


people have been here.// online// All content � Miranda unless otherwise stated.

100 Things

May 22, 2003 - 11:13 a.m.

OK...I see that alot of other folks have this on their diary so I'm following suit. Yes, I'm a copycat. Anyway...100 Things:

1. My middle name is Dawn.

2. I can burp quite loudly.

3. I am in search of a religion that is right for me.

4. I have an older half brother somewhere that was given up for adoption.

5. I had my 1st kiss at 12.

6. Feet gross me out to no end.

7. Yes, even my own.

8. I have sexual dreams about David Bowie.

9. I know the words to the movie "Labyrinth".

10. I love Frappucino.

11. My favorite color is purple.

12. I have horrible vision.

13. I have a piercing "down there".

14. I am 5' 8".

15. I hate my hair.

16. I was diagnosed with acute hyperactivity disorder as a child.

17. I've beaten someone up before.

18. I use way too much ketchup on my french fries.

19. I was a gifted child.

20. I passed my junior history class because the teacher thought I was hot.

21. My name was going to be Derek if I had been a boy.

22. My elbows are double-jointed.

23. I have extremely long toes.

24. I wish my grandpa would have lived long enough to meet my son.

25. I want breast implants.

26. I don't take my contacts out at night like I should.

27. I stay in my pajamas all day sometimes.

28. I'd love for my son to be bi-lingual.

29. I still have my teddy bear that I slept with as a little girl.

30. I love to watch people that don't know they're being watched.

31. The movie "The Cell" really disturbed me.

32. I would rather watch Spongebob Squarepants than the news.

33. I'm afraid to be alone in bad weather.

34. I think that music is something that is felt, not just listened to.

35. My favorite food is beef stroganoff.

36. I was a mere 14 years old the first time I was intoxicated.

37. I had lots of other firsts at 14.

38. I'm ashamed to admit that.

39. I miss my family.

40. My older sister and I were pregnant at the same time.

41. Our babies were born 3 months apart.

42. I love the name Ariana.

43. I've only broken 1 bone in my entire life.

44. That was my collar bone.

45. I'm silly when I'm drunk.

46. I'm also silly when I'm not drunk.

47. I used to be very promiscuous.

48. I have an "innie".

49. I showed my boobies at a concert when I was 18.

50. I attended the same concert the following year 7 months pregnant.

51. I started attending an alternative school my senior year.

52. I was not pregnant yet when I decided to go to the alternative school.

53. I married a childhood friend.

54. I was in Art Club in high school.

55. I don't remember much of my freshman year of high school.

56. I was born in Utah and lived there until I was 6.

57. No, I am NOT a mormon.

58. I threw up after eating a hamburger my dad cooked when I was 5 and didn't eat another hamburger that he cooked until I was about 9 or 10.

59.I was in a room naked with my husband's ex- wife.

60. But she was not even his wife at the time.

61. It was nothing sexual, just a game of drunken strip poker.

62. I got my first tattoo when I was just 15.

63. From an amateur artist.

64. My mother was maaaaaaad. but actually liked the tattoo.

65. My dad has always called me Boo-Boo.

66. He still does to this day.

67. I think I looked like a monkey when I was a baby.

68. I played the Virgin Mary in a Christmas Pagaent when I was 5.

69. I think I was smarter when I was younger.

70. I suck at math.

71. I went to college and was a certified Emergency Medical Technician at the age of 17.

72. My dad used to own an oil company.

73. I'd like to be a social worker in the future.

74. But I'd also like to learn a profession that had to do with computers.

75. I'm a dork.

76. I was a die-hard New Kids on the Block fan.

77. I "experimented" with a number of things as a teenager.

78. I know it was bad, but I don't regret doing the things I did.

79. My ex-boyfriend taught me to drive a standard.

80. I had a pager when I was 16.

81. No, it had nothing to do woth selling drugs.

82. I have never been arrested.

83. I loathe my sister's ex-husband.

84. I've broken a few of the 10 Commandments.

85. Oops!

86. Cockroaches gross me out to no end.

87. I love mandarin oranges.

88. I'm bad about not thinking before I speak.

89. I've broken a few hearts.

90. I worked at a restaurant when I was 16 where my boss let me drink on the job.

91. I moved to Watauga, Texas the day after I turned 18.

92. I only lived there for a little over 2 months.

93. I had a full scholarship and lost it because I quit college.

94. I don't regret quitting college.

95. I hate school.

96. I love liquid eyeliner.

97. I miss having access to real mexican food.

98. I downlaod music off the internet and it's been over a year since I bought a cd.

99. I've been inside a missle silo.

100. I wish I was rich.
