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about me:
"i was born 3/25/1981. you do the math. i've been married since 2/2/02. i've been a military wife since 4/1/02. i've been a mommy to one boy since 8/19/2000. i was a teen mom. i'm a bitch. i like music & movies. i'm pro-choice..." wanna know more?>>>
Miranda is feeling Miranda feels at the moment.

last 5.
Sad News - January 01, 2004
PREGNANT!!! - September 01, 2003
Diary Neglect & Getting ready for the party - August 15, 2003
The Link and other tidbits of news. - August 08, 2003
Crashed computer and new website - August 07, 2003


URL or Email


people have been here.// online// All content � Miranda unless otherwise stated.

Bjork just plain rocks!

June 09, 2003 - 12:08 p.m.

I don't think I've mentioned my love of Bjork before. So, I will do so now. I am totally into Bjork. Her music gives me a strange "I've felt that before" feeling. Her lyrics are pure madness and I can so identify with most of the songs. The way she sings with such deep emotion sends shivers down my spine. I'm particularly fond of the song "Joga" at the moment. The lyrics are as follows:

all these accidents that happen

follow the dot

coincidence makes sense

only with you

you don't have to speak - I feel

emotional landscapes

they puzzle me

then the riddle gets solved

and you push me up to this:

state of emergency : how beautiful to be

state of emergency : is where I want to be

all that no-one sees

you see

what's inside of me

every nerve that hurts you heal

deep inside of me

you don't have to speak - I feel

emotional landscapes

they puzzle me

then the riddle gets solved

and you push me up to this:

state of emergency : how beautiful to be

state of emergency : is where I want to be

Anyway. I'm off to get some $3.00 pizza from little Ceaser's. Oh! And

PLEASE (with cherries on top) look at my auctions!!!
