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about me:
"i was born 3/25/1981. you do the math. i've been married since 2/2/02. i've been a military wife since 4/1/02. i've been a mommy to one boy since 8/19/2000. i was a teen mom. i'm a bitch. i like music & movies. i'm pro-choice..." wanna know more?>>>
Miranda is feeling Miranda feels at the moment.

last 5.
Sad News - January 01, 2004
PREGNANT!!! - September 01, 2003
Diary Neglect & Getting ready for the party - August 15, 2003
The Link and other tidbits of news. - August 08, 2003
Crashed computer and new website - August 07, 2003


URL or Email


people have been here.// online// All content � Miranda unless otherwise stated.

Her So-Called Life

June 01, 2003 - 4:27 p.m.

Wow! I'm on a roll today with the entries.

After doing some diary-browsing a bit ago, I came across something that disturbed me. I won't list this person's username because I don't want anyone flaming her at her diary...but it is someone here at d-land. What caught my attention was the fact that she made reference to a gun in her entry. This reference was because apparently her life is just utter shit, what with bad grades and breaking up with the "person she loves most dearly in her life" and being grounded.

Now I do not know for certain what her situation is, but I'm going to assume she is under 18 and still living with her parents due to the fact that in the same entry, she made reference to having to call her dad to ask permission to go to her friend's house.

I say this to her: I hope that you come to your senses and realize that there are far worse things in the world than being grounded and breaking up with your boyfriend. More than that...I hope that you come to your senses about these things before you are old enough to set foot into the real world on your own. I realize your teenage years are a period of rebellion, self-discovery and generally hard times, but for Christ's sake little girl, your "issues" are far too petty to consider shooting yourself over. I am not one to talk shit about people, but if I feel I have a just cause to do so, I usually have no problem mentioning their name (or in this case, their username). However, in this instance, I don't want anyone going to your diary and harassing you in any way shape or form because if you're having that much trouble dealing with normal teenage issues, then God knows what you might do if someone actually confronted you about your ignorance. What's important is that you know who you are. Don't take what I'm saying as anything but constructive criticism. I promise you...what's happening for you right now is most definitely not the end of the world.

Jesus. I feel like I just watched an episode of My-So-Called Life.
