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about me:
"i was born 3/25/1981. you do the math. i've been married since 2/2/02. i've been a military wife since 4/1/02. i've been a mommy to one boy since 8/19/2000. i was a teen mom. i'm a bitch. i like music & movies. i'm pro-choice..." wanna know more?>>>
Miranda is feeling Miranda feels at the moment.

last 5.
Sad News - January 01, 2004
PREGNANT!!! - September 01, 2003
Diary Neglect & Getting ready for the party - August 15, 2003
The Link and other tidbits of news. - August 08, 2003
Crashed computer and new website - August 07, 2003


URL or Email


people have been here.// online// All content � Miranda unless otherwise stated.

Money, chores, bugs & the Friday Five

June 27, 2003 - 11:37 a.m.

OK, so my husband is on his way home for lunch so I have to make this quick so I'm not on the computer when he gets home. If he sees me on the computer he'll uncover my secret...that I really do spend the majority of my day sitting at the computer desk!!! Moving on...I talked to my sister today. She & her 3 kiddos are coming on the 18th of July. This is a good thing because looking at things money-wise, I won't have much money left over after our bills are paid and groceries are bought on this paycheck, especially if I would have had to buy groceries for the 3 of us plus another adult and 3 more kiddos. Not to mention, I also need to pay for Daniel's birthday present that I won on eBay. We'll have lots more spending money on the paycheck on the 15th anyway, so that's cool. The crappy thing about not having lots of money left over on this check coming up, is that means we can't go with Miranda & her boys to Chuck E. Cheese. :( Hopefully, she will forgive me.

OK, I'll stop talking about my money issues for a moment. Gosh I have alot to do today, and the day's already almost half over! Most importantly, I need to finish laundry & make Caleb's bed. I also had a few other things I wanted to accomplish today. Among those are: Put away all my eBay stuff that I plan on selling when it gets colder, put some pictures in frames & hang them, finish packing the box of baby clothes I'm sending to Charlotte, pick up Caleb's room a little, clean the bathrooms & try to find out what kind of bug this is:

We found it in out backyard the other day and I was fairly confident in saying that it was just about the ugliest bug I've ever seen. It was about 3.5 inches long and about 1 inch wide (not counting it's antennae) and it had pinchers and could fly. Yuck. Daniel killed it. Then last night, we were outside while Caleb was playing on his swingset and we saw another one on our picnic table. This one wasn't quite as big, so I'm pretty sure it was the other one's angry mate coming to take revenge on her lover's murderer.

Enough for now, I really need to go do some work, but before I do, my Friday Five:

1. How are you planning to spend the summer?

Same as I spent my winter, taking care of one little boy and tending to household chores. We might have a mini-vacation somewhere along the way if we have extra money to do so, but nothing fancy.

2. What was your first summer job?

I worked at Tastee Freez when I was 15.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go?

Probably Vegas or Hawaii with my husband...preferably sans the toddler.

4. What was your worst vacation ever?

I don't really recall ever having a bad vacation actually.

5. What was your best vacation ever?

Definitely any of them that involved any kind of theme park. I love Six Flags. California & Texas both.
